open Gui let input_str = ref "" let input_dialog () = () let create_bbox _ = true exception Cannot_take exception Unify_Error of string (********** definition of two level types **********) (********** ファンクターの引数の型 **********) module type STRUCTURE_SIG = sig (* ユーザ定義の型 *) type 'a t (* map 関数 *) val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t (* acc 関数 : 中身を展開し、集める関数 *) (* val acc : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a ->'a (* 引数, 関数, 初期値 *) *) (* 単一化関数 *) val unify : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> unit (* 描画関数 *) val draw : id_t t -> id_t (* search関数 *) val search : bool t -> bool end (********** ファンクターの定義 **********) module F (S : STRUCTURE_SIG) : sig type fix_t = Fix of fix_t S.t | Meta of string (* メタ変数名 *) * fix_t option ref (* 実体へのポインタ *) | Code of (unit -> id_t) (* コードの描画法 *) * (unit -> fix_t) (* コード本体 *) * fix_t option ref (* 実体へのポインタ *) (* val resubst : fix_t -> fix_t -> bool *) val take : fix_t -> fix_t S.t val occur : string -> fix_t -> bool val unify : fix_t -> fix_t -> unit val draw : fix_t -> id_t (* id_t を返すように変更 *) (* val clear : fix_t -> bool *) val make_meta : string -> fix_t val make_fix : fix_t S.t -> fix_t val make_code : (unit -> id_t) -> (unit -> fix_t) -> fix_t val init : unit -> unit val deref : fix_t -> fix_t val search : fix_t -> bool (* parser登録 *) val parse : (string -> fix_t) ref end = struct (* 型定義 *) type fix_t = Fix of fix_t S.t | Meta of string * fix_t option ref | Code of (unit -> id_t) * (unit -> fix_t) * fix_t option ref (* parser を持たせる *) let parse = ref (fun str -> raise Not_found) (* メタ変数を生成する *) let num = ref 0 let make_meta str = num := !num + 1; Meta (str ^ string_of_int !num, ref None) (* Fix を生成する *) let make_fix elt = Fix (elt) (* Codeを生成する *) let make_code draw_fun code_fun = Code(draw_fun, code_fun, ref None) (* ref の一番先を取ってくる : fix_t -> fix_t この時、Codeは実行しておく*) let rec deref t = match t with Fix _ -> t | Meta (_, p) -> (match !p with Some (t') -> let res = deref t' in p := Some (res); res | None -> t) | Code (_, code_fun, p) -> (match !p with Some (t') -> let res = deref t' in p := Some (res); res | None -> let res = code_fun () in let res' = deref res in p := Some (res'); res') (* (* resubst : Undo の時に使おうと思っている *) let rec resubst fix1 fix2 = (*match deref fix1 with Meta(_, ({contents = None} as op), _) -> op := Some(fix2); true | Fix(tm, _) -> ( (fun fix1 -> resubst fix1 fix2) tm) | _ -> false*) false (* あとで *) *) (* let subst fix = let rec subst fix = match fix with (* 自分がオリジナルのケース *) Meta(_, ({contents = None} as op), _) -> op := Some(!parse (!input_str^";;")) (* | (* 自分はコピーのケース *) Meta(_, {contents = Some (fix')}, _, _) -> subst fix' *) | _ -> assert false in input_dialog(); subst fix *) (* id_t list を全て空リストにする *) (* let rec clear fix = match fix with Fix (tm, ids) -> ids := []; let tm' = clear tm in tm' | Meta (_, {contents = None}, ids) -> (ids := []; false) | Meta (_, {contents = Some (fix')}, ids) -> ids := []; clear fix'; | Code (draw_fun, code, ids) -> ids := []; (match !code with C _ -> false | V(f) -> clear f) *) (* 置換関数 *) let search fix = false (* not yet *) (* let rec search fix = match !mode with SUB -> ( match fix with Meta(_, {contents = None}, ids) -> if create_bbox !ids then (subst fix; true) else false | Meta(_, {contents = Some(fix2)}, ids) -> search fix2 | Fix(tm, id) -> ( (fun t -> search t) tm) | Code(_, c, _) -> (match !c with C _ -> false | V(v) -> search v)) | OCC -> false | CLEAR -> clear fix *) (* Fixの中身を取ってくる *) let rec take fix = match deref fix with Fix (tm) -> tm | _ -> raise Cannot_take let rec occur str fix = match deref fix with Fix (term) -> ( (occur str) term) | Meta (str', _) -> str = str' (* 本当にOK? *) | Code (_, _, _) -> true (* unification : fix_t -> fix_t -> unit *) let rec unify fix1 fix2 = match (deref fix1, deref fix2) with | (Meta (_, op1), (Meta (_, op2) as fix2')) -> if op1 != op2 then op1 := Some (fix2') | (Meta (str, op), ((Fix _) as v)) | (((Fix _) as v), Meta (str, op)) -> if occur str v then raise (Unify_Error str) else op := Some (v) | (Fix (t1), Fix (t2)) -> S.unify unify t1 t2 | (Meta _, Code _) | (Code _, Meta _) -> raise (Unify_Error ("of_meta_and_code")) | (Code _, Code _) -> raise (Unify_Error("of_code_and_code")) | (Code _, Fix _) | (Fix _, Code _) -> raise (Unify_Error("of_fix_and_code")) (* 描画関数 : fix_t -> id_t *) (* 実際には id を正しく配置するだけ *) let rec draw fix = match fix with Fix (tm) -> let tm' = draw tm in let id = S.draw tm' in id | Meta (str, {contents = None}) -> create_str str | Meta (str, {contents = Some (fix')}) -> draw fix' | Code (draw_fun, _, {contents = None}) -> draw_fun () | Code (draw_fun, _, {contents = Some (fix')}) -> draw fix' (* 初期化関数 *) let init () = num := 0 end