open Gui (* functorに渡す引数の型: ユーザが定義したモジュール *) module type NODE_SIG = sig type fix_t val draw : fix_t -> id_t (* val clear : fix_t -> bool *) val unify : fix_t -> fix_t -> unit (* val search : fix_t -> bool *) (* val resubst : fix_t -> fix_t -> bool *) end module F (Node : NODE_SIG) = struct (* 内部で保持している証明木の型 *) type tree_t = Axiom of Node.fix_t (* 結論部 *) * id_t (* この推論規則に対応する GUI object *) | Infer of Node.fix_t (* 結論部 *) * tree_t list (* 前提部のリスト *) * id_t (* この推論規則に対応する GUI object *) let get_id tree = match tree with Axiom (_, id) | Infer (_, _, id) -> id let display_tree tree = Gui.display (get_id tree) let rec move (x, y) tree = match tree with Axiom (fix, id) -> Axiom (fix, Gui.move (x, y) id) | Infer (fix, fixes, id) -> Infer (fix, (move (x, y)) fixes, Gui.move (x, y) id) (* tree を作っている最中に on the fly で id を作るのは無理 *) (* 規則を適用して unification が起きると、そこら中で書き変わるから *) (* よって一度 unification をして木を更新してから draw し直す必要あり *) let axiom fix = Axiom (fix, Node.draw fix) (* re-arrange items horizontally *) let rec combine_list x fixes gap max_y = match fixes with [] -> [] | fix :: rest -> let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = get_coord (get_id fix) in move (x - x0, max_y - (y1 - y0)) fix :: combine_list (x + (x1 - x0) + gap) rest gap max_y let rec get_max_x fixes = match fixes with [] -> 0 | [fix] -> let (_, _, x1, _) = get_coord (get_id fix) in x1 | fix :: rest -> get_max_x rest let rec get_max_y fixes max_y = match fixes with [] -> max_y | fix :: rest -> let (_, y0, _, y1) = get_coord (get_id fix) in get_max_y rest (max max_y (y1 - y0)) (* let combine_des ids gap = let max_y = get_max_y ids 1 in let lst = combine_list 0 ids gap max_y in let max_x = get_max_x lst in H (lst, (0, 0, max_x, max_y)) let combineH ids = combine_des ids 0 *) let infer fix premises = let max_y = get_max_y premises 1 in let lst = combine_list 0 premises 1 max_y in let max_x = get_max_x lst in let premises_id = H ( get_id lst, (0, 0, max_x, max_y)) in let id = combineV premises_id (Node.draw fix) in Infer (fix, lst, id) (* lst: 中身を全て正しく move したもの *) (* id : premises の ids を combineH して、fix' の id と combineV したもの *) (********** ユーザ定義の規則を tree_t 型に変更する **********) let rec change r = match r with Gui.Axiom (j) -> axiom j (* Axiom (j, Node.draw j) *) | Gui.Infer (j, lst) -> infer j ( change lst) (* let lst2 = change lst in let ids = get_id lst2 in Infer (j, lst2, combineV (combineH ids) (Node.draw j)) *) exception ApplyRule of string let rec apply_rule tree (x, y) rule = if not (inside (x, y) (get_id tree)) then raise (ApplyRule "not inside") else match tree with Axiom (_, _) -> raise (ApplyRule "axiom") | Infer (fix, [], _) -> (* これが規則を適用する場所 *) (match rule with Gui.Axiom (judge) -> Node.unify fix judge; change rule | Gui.Infer (judge, premises) -> Node.unify fix judge; change rule) | Infer (fix, lst, _) -> (* lst の中から (x, y) を探す *) infer fix (find_apply lst (x, y) rule) and find_apply lst (x, y) rule = match lst with [] -> [] | tree :: rest -> if inside (x, y) (get_id tree) then apply_rule tree (x, y) rule :: rest else tree :: find_apply rest (x, y) rule let rec reconstruct tree = match tree with Axiom (fix, _) -> axiom fix | Infer (fix, fixes, _) -> infer fix ( reconstruct fixes) let launch_gui parse infer_rule_list = let fix = parse "fun x -> x" in let tree = infer fix [] in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (1, 2) (List.assoc "TABS" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (1, 2) (List.assoc "TVAR" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (1, 2) (List.assoc "TEQUAL" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree (* display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (1, 2) (List.assoc "MP" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (7, 2) (List.assoc "MP" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (9, 2) (List.assoc "S" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (0, 4) (List.assoc "K" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree; let tree = apply_rule tree (20, 2) (List.assoc "K" infer_rule_list ()) in let tree = reconstruct tree in display_tree tree *) (* let init_tree = Infer (parse "(A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> (A -> C)", "", [], ref None) in () *) (* (********** 定義 **********) type rule_t = MEmpty | MAxiom of Node.fix_t * id_t | MInfer of Node.fix_t * rule_t list * id_t type trule_t = | TInfer of (unit -> Node.fix_t prule_t) * (trule_t list) | TEmpty (* データ保存用 *) let save_rule = ref MEmpty let save_trule = ref [TEmpty] let init() = save_rule := MEmpty; save_trule := [TEmpty] (*let save_draw = ref MEmpty*) (********** idを取り出す **********) let get_rule_id t = match t with MAxiom(_,id) | MInfer(_,_,id) -> id | MEmpty -> NEW (* treeの中で推論出来るものを集めてくる関数 tree_t -> id_t list *) let collect_tree () = let rec loop res tree = match tree with (* 一番上にあるjudgeの未適応部分を集めてくる *) MEmpty -> [] | MInfer(_,[], id) -> id :: res | MInfer(_, lst, _) -> List.fold_left loop res lst | _ -> res in loop [] !save_rule (*!save_draw *) (********** ユーザ定義から変更する **********) let rec change r = match r with Infer(j, lst) -> MInfer(j, change lst, NEW) | Axiom(j) -> MAxiom(j, NEW) (********** 空の木を作成する **********) let make_empty tree = let rec num_of_child tree = match tree with MInfer(_, child, _) -> List.length child | MAxiom(_, _) -> 0 | MEmpty -> assert false in let rec loop num res = if num = 0 then res else loop (num - 1) (TEmpty :: res) in loop (num_of_child tree) [] (********** unify **********) let unify_rule rule_tree judge = match rule_tree with MInfer(rule_judge, _, _) | MAxiom(rule_judge, _) -> Node.unify rule_judge judge; rule_tree | MEmpty -> MEmpty let subst_rule tree fix1 fix2 = match tree with MInfer(j, lst, _) -> Node.resubst fix1 fix2 | MAxiom(j, _) -> Node.resubst fix1 fix2 | MEmpty -> true (********** 規則を挿入する **********) (* typing : ユーザがクリックした規則(多分)*) let infer typing = mode := OCC; let rec loop save_rule save_trule = match (save_rule, save_trule) with | (MInfer(j, [], id), TEmpty) -> if judge_inside id then let new_rule = unify_rule (change (typing())) j in (new_rule, TInfer(typing, make_empty new_rule)) else (save_rule, save_trule) | (MInfer(j, child_lst, id), TInfer(r, r_lst)) -> if judge_inside id then let (tree_lst, trule_lst) = List.split(List.map2 loop child_lst r_lst) in (MInfer(j, tree_lst, NEW), TInfer(r, trule_lst)) else (save_rule, save_trule) | _ -> (save_rule, save_trule) in let (new_rule, new_trule) = loop !save_rule (List.hd !save_trule) in save_rule := new_rule ; save_trule := new_trule :: !save_trule (********** 初めから証明木を組み直す **********) let rec restruct tr = let rec loop tree trule = match (tree, trule) with (MInfer(judge, [], _), TInfer(r, _)) -> loop (unify_rule (change (r())) judge) trule | (MInfer(judge, [], _), TEmpty) -> tree | (MInfer(judge, child_lst, _), TInfer(r, r_lst)) -> MInfer(judge, List.map2 (fun tree trule -> loop tree trule) child_lst r_lst, NEW) | (MInfer _, TEmpty) -> assert false | (MAxiom(judge, _), _) -> tree | _ -> assert false in save_rule := loop (tr) (List.hd !save_trule) (********** tree_tの描画 **********) let clear_tree () = mode := CLEAR; let rec loop tree = match tree with MEmpty -> false | MInfer(j, [], _) -> Node.clear j | MInfer(j, lst, _) -> let _ = Node.clear j in let _ = loop lst in false | MAxiom(j, _) -> Node.clear j in loop !save_rule let draw_tree () = let rec loop tree = match tree with MEmpty -> MEmpty | MInfer(j, [], _) -> let t = Node.draw j in MInfer(j, [], t) | MInfer(j, lst, _) -> let down = Node.draw j in let lst' = loop lst in let up_lst = get_rule_id lst' in let t = combineV down (combine_des up_lst 30) in MInfer(j,lst', t) | MAxiom(j, _) -> let axm = Node.draw j in let t = combineV_axm axm in MAxiom(j, t) in save_rule := loop !save_rule (* 描く関数 *) let draw () = (* Canvas.delete Gui.canvas [`Tag("all")]; キャンバスのアイテムを全て消す *) init(); let _ = clear_tree() in draw_tree(); let un_lst = collect_tree () in if List.length un_lst = 0 then show_comp() (* 置換箇所を見つけ、置換を行う *) let search_elem () = mode := SUB; let rec loop tree = match tree with MEmpty -> false | MInfer(j, lst, id) -> if (check id) then (if ( j) then true else let rec loop2 lst = match lst with [] -> false | first :: rest -> if loop first then true else loop2 rest in loop2 lst) else false | MAxiom(j, id) -> if check id then j else false in delete_bbox (); if !save_rule (*!save_draw*) <> MEmpty then loop !save_rule (*if loop !save_rule (*!save_draw*) then draw(); true *) else false (********** Undoを作成する **********) let undo init = if List.length !save_trule > 1 then (save_trule := ( !save_trule); restruct init; draw()) (* マウスが動いた時の動作 *) let create_bbox_tree () = let rec loop tree = match tree with (* 一番上にあるjudgeの未適応部分を集めてくる *) MEmpty -> false | MInfer(_, [], id) -> create_bbox [id] | MInfer(_, lst, _) -> let rec loop2 lst = match lst with [] -> false | first :: rest -> if loop first then true else loop2 rest in loop2 lst | _ -> false in delete_bbox (); if !save_rule (*!save_draw*) <> MEmpty then loop !save_rule (* !save_draw *) else false (* 登録関数を作成する *) let regist_infer_button rlist = List.iter (fun (str, f) -> create_button str (fun _ -> infer f; draw())) rlist (******************* ここから、元 Miki.F *******************) exception Parse_Error exception Chosen_Some_Items (* 初期化関数 *) let init () = (* Gui.init(); *) init() (* Term.init(); *) (* Canvas.delete Gui.canvas [`Tag("all")] *) let init_string = ref "" (********** メイン関数 **********) let launch_gui parse ?(parse_list=[]) infer_rule_list = let parse j = Infer (parse j, []) in (* ボタン生成 *) regist_infer_button infer_rule_list; (* トップフレーム *) let frame_top = Frame.create in let ent = Entry.create ~background:`White ~width:50 frame_top in Focus.set ent; (* Goボタンの動作 *) let b_exe = Button.create ~padx:10 ~text:"Go" ~takefocus:false frame_top ~command:(fun _ -> init(); let str = Entry.get ent in init_string := str; let loop() = try parse (str^";;") (* Parser.start Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string (str^";;")) *) with Failure(_) | Parsing.Parse_error -> ((ignore (messageBox ~default:"ok" ~icon:`Warning ~message:"False! \n Unknown token." ~title:"Warning" ~typ:`Ok ())); raise Parse_Error) in save_rule := change (loop ()); draw () (* tm := Term.draw !tm*) ) in (* undoボタン *) Gui.create_button_low "Undo" (fun _ -> (* Term.init(); *) undo (change (parse (!init_string^";;")))); (* Parser.start Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string (!init_string^";;")) *) (* newボタン *) Gui.create_button_low "New" (fun _ -> init ()) ; let label = Label.create ~text:"Expression" frame_top in (* クリックしてbboxを表示/非表示 *) bind Gui.canvas (*~extend:true*) ~breakable:false ~events:[`ButtonPress](*[`Motion]*) ~fields:[`MouseX; `MouseY] ~action:(fun ev -> Gui.coord_x := int_of_float (Canvas.canvasx ~x:ev.ev_MouseX Gui.canvas); Gui.coord_y := int_of_float(Canvas.canvasy ~y:ev.ev_MouseY Gui.canvas); let _ = create_bbox_tree() in ()); (* スクロールバー *) let xsbar = Scrollbar.create (Winfo.parent Gui.canvas) ~orient:`Horizontal ~takefocus:false ~command:(fun ~scroll:sv -> Canvas.xview Gui.canvas ~scroll:sv ) in let ysbar = Scrollbar.create (Winfo.parent Gui.canvas) ~orient:`Vertical ~takefocus:false ~command:(Canvas.yview Gui.canvas) in Canvas.configure ~xscrollcommand:( Scrollbar.set xsbar ) ~yscrollcommand:(Scrollbar.set ysbar) Gui.canvas; (* 終了確認 *) let quit() = let n = Dialog.create ~title:"confirmation" ~message:"Finish Miki?" ~buttons:["Yes"; "No"] () in if n = 0 then closeTk() else () in (* 環境設定 *) let config() = let top2 =Toplevel.create ~width:240 ~height:400 in Wm.resizable_set top2 ~width:false ~height:false; (* 文字の大きさ *) let font_frame = Frame.create ~relief:`Groove ~borderwidth:2 top2 in let font_label = Label.create ~text:"Font" ~foreground:`Blue top2 in let frame1 = Frame.create font_frame in let label1 = Label.create ~text:"Size" frame1 in let scale = Scale.create ~max:50. ~min:5. ~width:10 ~length:200 ~orient:`Horizontal ~relief:`Sunken ~variable:(Textvariable.create ~on:font_frame ()) ~command:(fun num -> Gui.font := ("Century "^ (string_of_int (int_of_float num))); if !save_rule <> MEmpty then draw ()) frame1 in Scale.set scale (float_of_int (Font.actual_size !Gui.font)); (* 文字の色 *) let frame2 = Frame.create font_frame in let label2 = Label.create ~text:"Color" frame2 in let color = Textvariable.create () in let color_string var = Textvariable.set var (match !Gui.font_color with `Black -> "Black" | `Blue -> "Blue" | `Color(str) -> str | `Green -> "Green" | `Red -> "Red" | `White -> "White" | `Yellow -> "Yellow"); var in let current_color = Label.create ~foreground:!Gui.font_color ~textvariable:(color_string color) frame2 in let button1 = Button.create ~command:(fun () -> let font_color = chooseColor ~initialcolor:!Gui.font_color ~parent:frame2 ~title:"select a font_color" () in Gui.font_color := font_color; Label.configure ~foreground:!Gui.font_color current_color; let _ = color_string color in if !save_rule <> MEmpty then draw () ) ~text:"select color ..." frame2 in let ok = Button.create ~text:"ok" ~command:(fun _ -> destroy top2) top2 in pack ~side:`Left ~padx:5 [coe label1; coe scale]; pack ~side:`Left ~padx:5 [coe label2; coe current_color; coe button1]; pack ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W [coe font_label; coe frame1; coe frame2]; pack ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W [coe font_frame; coe ok]; Tkwait.window top2 (* Gui.topを待機させる *) in (* ファイルを開く *) let op() = (* idをどうにかする必要がありそう...? *) let file = getOpenFile ~filetypes:[ {typename="Miki Files"; extensions=[".miki"]; mactypes=["*.miki"]}; {typename="All Files"; extensions=[".*"]; mactypes=["*.*"]} ] () in let in_channel = open_in file in let data = input_value in_channel in save_rule := data; draw (); close_in in_channel in (* 保存をする *) let save () = let file = getSaveFile ~filetypes:[ {typename="Miki Files"; extensions=[".miki"]; mactypes=["*.miki"]}; {typename="All Files"; extensions=[".*"]; mactypes=["*.*"]} ] () in let out_channel = open_out file in (*output_value out_channel !Rule.save_rule;*) close_out out_channel in (* メニュー *) let menu = Menu.create ~takefocus:false ~typ:`Menubar in (* Mikiのメニュー *) let miki = Menu.create ~tearoff:false menu in Menu.add_cascade ~label:"Miki" ~menu:miki ~underline:0 menu; Menu.add_command ~label:"About Miki" ~underline:0 ~command:(fun _ -> let _ = messageBox ~default:"ok" ~icon:`Info ~message:"This is a Miki β. \n To write a beautiful prove-tree." ~title:"Warning" ~typ:`Ok () in ()) miki; Menu.add_command ~label:"Preferences..." ~underline:0 ~command:(fun _ -> config()) miki; Menu.add_command ~label:"Quit" ~underline:0 ~command:quit ~accelerator:"Ctl-Q" miki; (* fileのメニュー *) let file = Menu.create ~tearoff:false menu in Menu.add_cascade ~label:"File" ~menu:file ~underline:0 menu; Menu.add_command ~label:"New" ~underline:0 ~command: (fun _ -> init ()) ~accelerator:"Ctl-N" file; Menu.add_command ~label:"Open..." ~underline:0 ~command:(fun _ -> op()) ~accelerator:"Ctl-O" file; Menu.add_command ~label:"Save..." ~underline:0 ~command:(fun _ -> save()) ~accelerator:"Ctl-S" file; (* ショートカットの登録 *) bind ~events:[`Modified([`Control], `KeyPressDetail("q"))] ~action:(fun _ -> quit()); bind ~events:[`Modified([`Control], `KeyPressDetail("n"))] ~action:(fun _ -> init() ); bind ~events:[`Modified([`Control], `KeyPressDetail("s"))] ~action:(fun _ -> save()); bind ~events:[`Modified([`Control], `KeyPressDetail("o"))] ~action:(fun _ -> op()); (* 配置 *) Toplevel.configure ~menu:menu; (* let str = ref "" in *) (* 入力ダイアログ *) (* let entry_dialog () = let top2 = Toplevel.create top in let message = Label.create top2 ~text:"Enter a substitution term." ~width:20 in let ent = Entry.create top2 ~width:20 in let qbutton = Button.create ~takefocus:false ~text:"OK" top2 ~command:(fun () -> str := Entry.get ent; destroy top2) in pack [coe message; coe ent; coe qbutton]; Tkwait.window top2; in *) (* 右クリックをした時の動作 *) bind Gui.canvas ~extend:true ~events:[`Modified([`Control],`ButtonPress)] ~fields:[`MouseX; `MouseY] ~action:(fun ev -> Gui.coord_x := int_of_float (Canvas.canvasx ~x:ev.ev_MouseX Gui.canvas) ; Gui.coord_y := int_of_float(Canvas.canvasy ~y:ev.ev_MouseY Gui.canvas) ; (* entry_dialog(); *) let _ =search_elem () in draw ()(*(!str ^ ";;")*)); (* Gui.create_button "aaa" (fun _ -> ()); テスト...*) (* 配置する 初めに置いたものが残る *) pack ~expand:false ~fill:`X [coe frame_top]; pack ~anchor:`W [Gui.user_frame]; pack ~expand:true ~fill:`Both [Gui.frame_cv]; pack ~expand:false ~fill:`X [coe Gui.frame_bottom]; pack ~side:`Left [coe label; coe ent; coe b_exe]; Grid.column_configure ~weight:1 ~minsize:100 Gui.frame_cv 0; Grid.row_configure ~weight:1 ~minsize:100 Gui.frame_cv 0; grid ~column:0 ~row:0 ~sticky:"nsew" [Gui.canvas]; (*row:行 column:列*) grid ~column:1 ~row:0 ~sticky:"ns" [ysbar]; grid ~column:0 ~row:1 ~sticky:"ew" [xsbar]; pack ~ipadx:10 ~padx:10 ~side:`Left [coe Gui.b_quit]; mainLoop () *) end