Derivation of a Virtual Machine for
Four Variants of Delimited-Control Operators
Maika Fujii and Kenichi Asai
May 3, 2021
OCaml source code for the following paper presented at FSCD 2021:
Maika Fujii and Kenichi Asai
"Derivation of a Virtual Machine for
Four Variants of Delimited-Control Operators,"
6th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and
Deduction, FSCD 2021, July 17-24, 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Virtual Conference), volume 195 of LIPIcs, pages 16:1--16:19,
All files in zip format.
- eval1/ Listing 1: definitional interpreter
- eval2/ Listing 2: defunctionalized interpreter
- eval3/ Listing 3: linearized interpreter
- eval4/ Listing 4: stack-based interpreter
- eval5/ Listing 5: delinearized interpreter
- eval6/ Listing 6: refunctionalized interpreter
- eval7/ Listing 7: interpreter with combined arguments
- eval8/ Listing 8: interpreter with functional instructions
- eval9/ Listing 9: interpreter with defunctionalized instructions
- eval10/ (Listing 10): interpreter with linearized instructions
- eval11/ Listing 11: interpreter with linearized trails
To compile, you need
Write the location of the
OCamlMakefile in eval*/Makefile and make.
- To execute the interpreter,
run ./interpreter and input the program into the standard input.
Example inputs:
1 + reset (reset (2 * reset ((fun y -> shift h -> y)
(shift f -> shift g -> 3 + f 4))))
1 + reset (reset (2 * reset ((fun y -> control h -> y)
(control f -> control g -> 3 + f 4))))
1 + reset (reset (2 * reset ((fun y -> shift0 h -> y)
(shift0 f -> shift0 g -> 3 + f 4))))
1 + reset (reset (2 * reset ((fun y -> control0 h -> y)
(control0 f -> control0 g -> 3 + f 4))))
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