Welcome to Kanae Tsushima's Home Page

I am a PhD student in the Ochanomizu University, supervised by Kenichi Asai.
My major is computer science (Department of Information Science).

Research interests:
Programming and programming languages.
Details: debugging of types and syntax, functional languages (ML), type theory, and partial evaluation.

Recent research topic:
Type debugging using compiler's type inference engine
Type error slicing

List of publication:
"Towards Type-Directed Partial Evaluation for Shift and Reset"
with Kenichi Asai in NBE09. (pdf)

"限定継続のための TDPE に向けて" (in Japanese)
with Kenichi Asai in PPL2010.(pdf)
(English title: "Forward type directed partial evaluation (TDPE) for shift and reset")

"Report on OCaml type debugger"
with Kenichi Asai in ML2011. (pdf)

"コンパイラの型推論を利用した型デバッグ手法の提案" (in Japanese)
with Kenichi Asai in PPL2012. (pdf)
コンピュータソフトウェア 研究論文 (レター) (pdf)

"An Embedded Type Debugger"
with Kenichi Asai in IFL 2012 post-proceedings to appear.
Recipient of the 2012 Peter Landin prize.

"コンパイラの型推論を利用した型スライス作成手法の提案" (in Japanese)
with Kenichi Asai in PPL2013. (pdf)

Conference Talks:
再帰と限定継続を扱うpolyvariantな部分評価に向けて (in Japanese)
with Kenichi Asai in PPL2009 poster session.
(English title: "Forward polyvariant partial evaluation for recursion and delimited continuation")

"The implementation of interactive type debugger in the Emacs and the improvement with the intended type"
with Kenichi Asai in Joint Symposium 2010 between Ewha Womans University, Japan Women's University and Ochanomizu University
for the Promotion of Education and Research for Women in Science (in Korea)

Emacs における対話的な型デバッガの実装と改良 (in Japanese)
in PPL2011 poster session.
(English title: "Implementation and improvement of a interactive type debugger with Emacs")

AlGoL: プログラミング言語の基礎を学ぶアプリケーションの提案 (in Japanese)
with Moe Masuko in PPL2011 poster session.
(English title: "AlGoL: A application supports leaning a basis of programming languages")

An Embedded Type Debugger
with Kenichi Asai in APLAS2012 poster session.

Summer internship 2011 at Preferred Infrastructure (PFI).

with Takeshi Abe (Tohoku University), Yoichi Iwata (Tokyo University), Gentaro Watanabe (Tokyo University),
Yuya Unno (Preferred Infrastructure), Hiroyuki Tokunaga (Preferred Infrastructure)
in 4th Rakuten research and development symposium. (pdf, poster)
(English title: "A picture-book application in aquarium and an image recognition engine")

Address: 2-1-1, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610 Japan
Tel: +81-3-5978-5388
E-mail: tsushima.kanae (at) is . ocha . ac . jp

Last modified on April 24th, 2013