Yuki Ishii
Asai Laboratory, Ochanomizu University
- 型デバッガのログの解析とエラーメッセージの改良 (in
with Kenichi Asai in PPL
2014. (pdf)
(English title: Analization and Extension of a Type Debugger)
- Report on a User Test and
Extension of a Type Debugger for Novice Programmers
with Kenichi Asai in TFPIE 2014. (pdf)
- Type Debugger
One Minute Madness in PLMW 2014.
- Type Debugger
Lightning Talk at
- National Tshing Hua University (国立清華大学)
- National Chiao Tung University (国立交通大学)
- Yuan Ze University (元智大学)
- National Chengchi University (国立政治大学)
- National Taiwan University (国立 台湾大学)
on October 19th to 25th, 2014, using the Summer Visiting Program of
Association Japan.