Module Universe

module Universe: sig .. end
Universe module
See also Racket Documentation

type iworld_t 
the type of clients
type ('a, 'b) t = 
| State of 'a (*
'a is the type of states
| Bundle of 'a * (iworld_t * 'b) list * iworld_t list (*
'a is the type of states, a list of pairs of a receiver and a message of type 'b, a list of clients to be disconnected
val universe : ?on_new:('a -> iworld_t -> ('a, 'b) t) ->
?on_msg:('a -> iworld_t -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) t) ->
?rate:float ->
?on_tick:('a -> ('a, 'b) t) ->
?on_disconnect:('a -> iworld_t -> ('a, 'b) t) -> 'a -> unit
starts a game after receiving the following arguments (the last argument of type 'a is mandatory)