Module World

module World: sig .. end
World module
See also Racket Documentation
World モジュール

type ('a, 'b) t = 
| World of 'a (*
'a is the type of world states
世界の型が 'a
| Package of 'a * 'b (*
'a is the type of world states, 'b is the type of messages
世界の型が 'a、メッセージの型が 'b
val big_bang : ?name:string ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?to_draw:('a -> Image.t) ->
?on_tick:('a -> ('a, 'b) t) ->
?on_mouse:('a -> float -> float -> string -> ('a, 'c) t) ->
?on_key_press:('a -> string -> ('a, 'd) t) ->
?on_key_release:('a -> string -> ('a, 'e) t) ->
?rate:float ->
?stop_when:('a -> bool) ->
?to_draw_last:('a -> Image.t) ->
?register:string * string ->
?on_receive:('a -> 'f -> ('a, 'g) t) -> 'a -> unit